Since I said "another ER trip" I better write the story down before I forget... Last year, in April, Ryder shoved a teeny button battery from a finger flashlight up his nose, and the doctor was about to give up thinking he really didn't have anything up his nose. I wondered why he would have been screaming for so long, like was in extreme pain, if that were the case, when the Dr asked "Did he stick a candle or something up his nose to burn it?" Strange question, and I have no idea how the thought came to me that it could have been a battery, but luckily we figured it out, and were able to srface it with a magnet and then pull it out with the alligator. Then , not even a week later, Aspen fell off the ripstick and broke her ulna and radius, just above the wrist, almost snapping them in two. Shane had been in Arizona, for a golf trip with his Dad, and I had to call him to come get Ryder and Skyler from the ER on the way home from the airport. I didn't even know where the hospital was before Ryder's incident, now I am only too familiar
. Aspen actually broke her arm about two weeks before our family trip to Disneyworld. So she had to have a cast on for the parks and the cruise; not good timing. I actually broke my toe, by dropping the handle of a moving dolley on it, the day before we flew out. Luckily Allen's friend Dr. Dayton, came on the trip as well, 2 days behind us, and was able to bring a drill to relieve the pressure. I need to make friends with a lot more doctors, you should never leave home without one!
Back to the present, Eli at 6 weeks. I need my computer wiz to come flip this right side up, but for now, oh well.